Sociology of older adult

  1. Baars Ageing meaning and social structure 2013
  1.  Social work with older people _ approaches to person-centred practice- (2012).pdf
  1. Barnard Key Themes in Health and Social Care.pdf
  1. Basil Social Marketing in Action.pdf
  1. Baslington Healthy Travel and Child Socialisation.pdf
  1. Older People_ Improving Health and Social Care
  1. Bengtson  Handbook of Theories of Aging.pdf
  1. Bengtson Handbook of Theories of Aging.pdf
  1. Bernard Critical Perspectives on Ageing Societies.pdf
  1. Bernard Family and Community Life of Older People.pdf
  1. Berry Health communication theory and practice 2007.pdf
  1. Berry Health Communication Theory and Practice.pdf
  1. Binstock Handbook of ageing and social sciences.pdf
  1. Blackman Social Care and Social Exclusion.pdf
  1. Blackshaw Key Concepts in Community Studies.pdf
  1. Bond Ageing in Society.pdf
  1. Book Abstracts Age friendly urban environments.pdf
  1. Boulton-Lewis Active Ageing Active Learning Issues and Challenges.pdf
  1. Brandl Elder abuse detection and intervention.pdf
  1. Brown Promoting physical activity A guide for community action.pdf
  1. Bryant Human Communication Theory and Research.PDF
  1. Bunton Sociology of health promotion.pdf
  1. Bunton The sociology of health promotion.PDF
  1. Burdick Gerotechnology Research and practice Book.pdf
  1. Burns 101 Stories for Enhancing Happiness and Well Being.pdf
  1. Castells Mobile Communication and Society.pdf
  1. Commission for Healthcare Audit Living better in later life.pdf
  1. communication campaigns.PDF
  1. Cotterill Partnership working in local electronic government.pdf
  1. Cottrell Principles and Foundations of Health Promotion and Education.pdf
  1. Crimmins Longer Life and Healthy Aging.pdf
  1. Cross Health Communication Theoretical and Critical Perspectives.pdf
  1. Dannefer SAGE Handbook of Social Gerontology.pdf
  1. Delgado Older Adult-Led Health Promotion.pdf
  1. Dickinson Living Well in a Nursing home.pdf
  1. Elder abuse prevalence in community settings.pdf
  1. Evans Talking Over the Years.pdf
  1. FAO World Congress on Communication for Development Lessons Challenges.pdf
  1. Fredman Being with older people A systematic approach.pdf
  1. Frey Routledge Handbook of Applied Communication Research.pdf
  1. Gabe Key Concepts in Medical Sociology.pdf
  1. Garvin Handbook of Social Work with Groups.pdf
  1. George Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences.pdf
  1. Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017- 2025.pdf
  1. Global strategy and action plan on ageing and health.pdf
  1. Goerres The Political Participation of Older People in Europe.pdf
  1. Hall Social work with older people  approaches to person centred practice.pdf
  1. Hargie Handbook of Communication skills.pdf
  1. Harley Handbook of LGBT Elders.pdf
  1. Hillier Aging the Individual and Society.pdf
  1. Holmes Rethinking Violence in Health Care Settings.pdf
  1. Hooyman Aging Matters An Introduction to Social Gerontology.pdf
  1. Housing for Older People in Singapore.pdf
  1. Johnson The CAMBRIDGE Handbook of age and ageing.pdf
  1. Kaplan Social Work in Health and Aging.pdf
  1. Kazer Case Studies in Gerontological Nursing for the Advanced Practice Nurse.pdf
  1. Levkoff  Recruitment and Retention in Minority Populations Aging.pdf
  1. Longe Gale Encyclopedia of Senior Health A guide for seniors and caregivers.pdf
  1. Lord Falls in older people.pdf
  1. Lymbery Social work with older people.pdf
  1. MacDonald The Social Significance of health promotion.pdf
  1. Manfredi Challenges of Active Ageing Equality Law and the Workplace.pdf
  1. McQueen Health and Modernity.pdf
  1. Means From community care to market care.pdf
  1. Milligan No Place Like Home.pdf
  1. Moreland Understanding healthcare workers' responses to  violence.pdf
  1. Morgan Aging society and the life course.pdf
  1. National Research Council Elder mistreatment  abuse  neglect.pdf
  1. National Service Framework for older people.pdf
  1. Nolan Working With Older People And Their Families.pdf
  1. Norton The impact and consequences of inspection on older people.pdf
  1. OECD Improving Health and Social Cohesion through Education.PDF
  1. Olson The Not So Golden Years caregiving the frail elderly.pdf
  1. Payne Key Concepts in Social Research.pdf
  1. Phillips Key Concepts in Social Gerontology.pdf
  1. Phillipson The Family and Community Life of Older People.pdf
  1. Pritchard Working with adult abuse.pdf
  1. Rajan Elderly Care in India Societal and State Responses.pdf
  1. Regnier Design for Assisted Living Guide.pdf
  1. Resnick Assisted living nursing A manual for management and practice.pdf
  1. Robinson Family transformation through divorce.pdf
  1. Robson  Home for the third age (book).pdf
  1. Rowe Save Your Life and the Lives of Those You Love.pdf
  1. Rowles Environmental Gerontology.pdf
  1. Ryff The self and society in aging processess.pdf
  1. Samanta  Cross Disciplinary Perspectives in Social Gerontology 2017.pdf
  1. Sanderson Person Centred Thinking with Older People 6 Essential Practices.pdf
  1. Sayago Perspectives on Human Computer Interaction Research with Older People.pdf
  1. Schaie Social Structures Aging and Self Regulation in the Elderly.pdf
  1. Schiavo Health Communication From Theory to Practice 2014.pdf
  1. Settersten Handbook of Sociology of Aging.pdf
  1. Skills for Successful Teaching.3HAXAP.pdf
  1. Social Capital.pdf
  1. Sterns Gerontological and Geriatric Education.pdf
  1. Stuart-Hamilton An Introduction to Gerontology.pdf
  1. Sutton The SAGE Handbook of Health Psychology.pdf
  1. Theou Frailty in Aging.pdf
  1. Thomas Health Communication.pdf
  1. Thompson The Routledge Handbook of Health Communication 2011.pdf
  1. Tight Key Concepts in Adult Education and Training.pdf
  1. Timmreck A Handbook for Health Promotion  Aging and Health Services.epub
  1. Victor Old Age in Modem Society.pdf
  1. Victor The Social Context of Ageing 2005.pdf
  1. Victor The Social World of Older People.pdf
  1. Wade Intermediate Care of Older People.pdf
  1. Walker Active Ageing in Asia.pdf
  1. Wallace Essentials of Gerontological Nursing.pdf
  1. Wang WTO Globalization and China’s Health Care System.pdf
  1. Watts Social Justice Theory and Practice.pdf
  1. WHO Global age friendly cities.pdf
  1. WHO Global strategy and action plan on ageing and health.pdf
  1. WHO Health for all.pdf
  1. WHO Outbreak Communication Planning Guide 2008 Edition.pdf
  1. WHO Strengthening health systems to improve health outcomes.pdf
  1. WHO World Report on Ageing and Health.pdf
  1. Innovations in Social Marketing and Public Health Improving the Quality of Life for Individuals and Communities
  1. Yee Melichar Assisted living administration and management.pdf
  1. Yuen Housing for Older People in Singapore.pdf
  1. بازاریابی تغییرات اجتماعی.pdf
  1. بازاندیشی در راهبردهای نظام بازنشستگی.pdf
  1. جامعه شناسي اعتياد.pdf
  1. جامعه شناسي اينترنت.pdf
  1. جهانی شدن.pdf
  1. راهنمای سلامت سالمندان.PDF
  1. سالخوردگي جمعيت در ايران.pdf
  1. كليات سالمندشناسي و طب سالمندان.pdf
  1. کوششی سالخوردگي جمعيت در ايران.pdf
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  • در يکشنبه دوم بهمن 1401
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